Handle-it is a simple but extremely useful takeout cup holder
Handle-it can be used for tea, coffee, soup, milkshake, beer, frozen yoghurt, popcorn...even noodles!
It is available in three different variables...disposable, disposable with sleeve, and re-usable.
For coffee lovers, festival goers, and anyone who likes to pick up food & drink on the go...
The reusable Handle-it is perfect to keep in your handbag/briefcase/backpack, ready to make it easy for you to
pick up your favourite food and/or drink.
For cafes & event/catering managers...
The disposable Handle-it is an ideal alternative to the standard pulp tray. Handle-it is 100% recyclable, biodegradable
and takes up much less space and therefore has a much lesser impact on the environment in terms of
transportation, storage, and waste. Handle-it is also perfect for branding/marketing.